
▲ 猴子綁架小狗後,一口氣跳上屋頂。(圖/翻攝自 推特/Punch Newspapers)
綜合外媒報導,當時一隻猴子跑向廣場中央,迅速抓住一隻小狗,嚇得小狗不斷掙扎,試圖擺脫猴子的控制,但很快就被壓制,下一秒猴子把小狗緊緊抱在懷裡,敏捷地爬上附近商家的屋頂,與在場圍觀的人群對峙。VIDEO: Moment Monkey ‘Kidnapped’ Dog In India
Viral footage has caught the moment a monkey “kidnapped” a dog in the Parkota area of India.A small dog with black and white fur was grabbed by a monkey twice its size on Saturday, March 18. In the video shared by Daily Mail on pic.twitter.com/ZOGgC2s2Ir — Punch Newspapers (@MobilePunch) March 20, 2023