Advances in technologies connect the world as never before, yet, discrimination and hatred have spread rapidly and even nuclear weapons pose a real danger again.
When peace is threatened, peace education becomes critical .How do we nurture change-makers who can take concrete actions toward peace?
活動時間:2019年12月8日 14:00~15:30 地 點:台灣金融研訓院2樓菁業堂 (台北市羅斯福路三段62號2樓) Venue: Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (2F, No.62, Sec.3, Roosevelt Road, Taipei)
講 者: 川崎哲 「國際廢核武運動」組織(ICAN)委員(該組織為2017諾貝爾和平獎得主) 和平號執行委員會代表 Speaker: Akira Kawasaki International Steering Group member, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) Executive Committee member, Peace Boat
主持人: 邵梅儀 香港科技大學人文教育助理教授 Moderator: May-Yi Shaw Assistant Professor of Humanities Education, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology