南美洲國家厄瓜多總統候選人費爾南多.比亞維森西奧(Fernando Villavicencio),9日驚傳於一場競選活動上遭人暗殺、頭部中彈身亡,享年59歲。令人遺憾的是,當地即將於本月20日舉行總統大選,豈料如今卻發生憾事,而現疑似場另有數人受傷。
SHOCKING VIDEO: Ecuador presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio, who was leading in the polls, has just been assassinated two weeks before an election the 59-year-old was expected to win. Journalists were referring to him as "right-wing" candidate!pic.twitter.com/69wFzCK4DK
— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) August 10, 2023
事後,厄瓜多現任總統拉梭(Guillermo Lasso)已證實噩耗,由於當地近年暴力、槍擊、毒品走私等案件頻傳,他也悲痛承諾要將該名扼殺比亞維森西的兇手繩之以法、不會讓犯罪者消遙法外。
據悉,比亞維森西先前曾任立法議員,本次透過厄瓜多建設運動(Movimiento Construye Ecuador)推派參選總統、為20日首輪投票的8名候選人之一,至於選前支持度民調則顯示為7.5%。
BREAKING: Fernando Villavicencio, a candidate running for President of Ecuador, was just assassinated during a presidential rally.
— Tamie Wilson for US Congress (OH-4) (@TamieUSCongress) August 10, 2023
Please don’t scroll without considering that something like this could happen in America – if we don’t hold the extremist rhetoric accountable.… pic.twitter.com/XFX98hO3T3